Canada Street portrays a small exchange sidings on the fringes of a docklands
area. Short mixed trains arrive from the main network and exchange wagons with those held in the
yard and dockside area. The shunting engine then trips individual consignments to local customers
for unloading and loading.
The layout features a range of dockside buildings and quayside features, and owes its
existance to my first layout Canada Road which was originally built in the early 1980s, and was displayed
at several shows in and around the North-West of England during that period. The layout returned to
exhibitions in 2002 after more than 15 years in storage, and a re-kindled interest in 60s and 70s freight
operation. A full feature on the layout appeared in the 'Rail Express' magazine edition number 84, and
a pictorial feature appeared in the 'Model Railway Journal' number 146.

As a replacement, Canada Street has been built to a much larger format with many
new mill buildings and cobbled dockside rail. Details of its construction can be found on the regular
update pages.

The period 1960 to 1979 is covered by the complete operating
sequence, and a full day at an exhibition will typically see five different
shunters with many mainline engine types running at various times.

Canada Street replaced the much smaller Canada Road - please click on the link below
to see more of Canada Road.